Back to June 7, 2024 Virtual Summit - Translating Neuroscience into CBT Practice - Presenters

Sierra Carter, Ph.D.
Georgia State University
Dr. Carter is an Associate Professor in Clinical and Community Psychology at Georgia State University. A common theme throughout much of her work has been examining how racial discrimination, as an acute and chronic stressor, effects development and exacerbation of chronic illnesses and stress-related disorders across the life course for Black Americans. Her interdisciplinary research program (R01HD107016, R01HD109005) integrates psychology, biology, public health, and developmental science providing evidence that: (1) racism is a multi-level influence that undermines health across the lifespan and over multiple generations; (2) the existence of entrenched racism requires development of culturally-informed, prevention-oriented interventions among underrepresented populations, capable of responding to the unique challenges confronting them, and (3) the deeply entrenched nature of racism requires dissemination of finding to affected populations, policymakers, as well as to fellow scholars. Her research aims to aid in improved identification of mechanisms that can be targeted in prevention and treatment efforts to reduce racial health inequities.