Amy Tishelman Recorded Webinar: Working with LGBT Adolescents (DOES NOT OFFER CE CREDIT)
Recorded On: 02/08/2013
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Original Air Date: June 3, 2016
Our society is changing in dramatic ways in recognizing the diversity of sexual expression and gender identification that are part of the full human experience. Mental health professionals have been coming together with medical professionals to provide services for gender variant youth in the past with recent advances made in the approach through specialty, innovative programs. Dr. Tishelman will provide a foundation for understanding gender diversity and the psychosocial issues that arise for gender diverse youth. She will bring insight to this webinar from her research and clinical experience in one of the main centers at the forefront of this emerging field. The webinar provides the basics that are incorporated in training and supervision for medical and mental health professionals and professionals in training. The program is designed to help those professionals and students that wish to gain an initial understanding of the mental health role in serving gender diverse youth with compassion and expertise.
Learning Objectives:
You will learn:
1. Common definitions related to gender, sex and sexuality; discussion of DSM diagnosis
2. Common psychosocial issues that arise for youth who are gender diverse
3. The critical role of psychologists in interdisciplinary pediatric clinics serving transgender and gender diverse youth, as well as complexities and controversies related to the care of transgender youth.
Recommended Readings:
Tishelman, A., Kaufman, R., Edwards-Leeper, L., Mandel, F., Shumer, D., Spack, N. (2015).
Serving transgender youth: Challenges, dilemmas, and clinical examples. Professional Psychology, Research, and Practice, 46 (1) 37-45.
Shumer D.E., Reisner S.L., Edwards-Leeper, L., & Tishelman, A.C.. (2015). Evaluation of Asperger Syndrome in Youth Presenting to a Gender Dysphoria Clinic. LGBT Health. Online ahead of print. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2015.0070.
Shumer, D. E. & Tishelman, A.C. (2015). The role of assent in the treatment of transgender adolescents. International Journal of Transgenderism. 2(16):97-102.
Hidalgo, M.A., Ehrensaft, D., Tishelman, A.C., Clark, L., Garofalo, R., Rosenthal, S., Spack, N.P & Olson, J. (2013). The gender affirmative model: What we know and what we aim to learn. Human Development, 56, 285-290.
Nahata, L., Quinn, G.P., & Tishelman, A.C. (2016). A call for fertility and sexual function counseling in pediatrics. Pediatrics. On line ahead of print. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0180
Tishelman, A.C., Shumer, D.E., & Nahata, L. (2016). Disorders of sex development:
Pediatric psychology and the genital exam. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Online ahead of print. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsw015.
About the Presenter:
Amy Tishelman, Ph.D. is the Director of Clinical Research and senior staff psychologist in the Disorders of Sex Development-Gender Management Service (DSD-GeMS) and Director of Psychological Services in the Department of Urology at Boston Children’s Hospital, as well as on the research staff in the Child Protection Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Tishelman is an established educator, and is frequently invited to train and speak nationally on themes related to her areas of expertise, including as the keynote diversity speaker at the annual national Society of Pediatric Psychology meeting in 2015, addressing issues related to the healthcare of transgender children and teens. She is an active participant in the Gender Spectrum network, and a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Dr. Tishelman is also an expert in the areas of child maltreatment and trauma, and previously served as the Director of Child Protection Clinical Services at Boston Children’s Hospital. She is one of the key personnel at Boston Children’s Hospital to develop and secure an NIH award for a five-year, 4-site multicenter study designed to provide essential, evidence-based information on the physiological and psychosocial impact, as well as safety, of hormone blockers and cross-sex hormone use in transgender youth. Dr. Tishelman completed her doctoral degree at West Virginia University. She has held faculty posts at SUNY Binghamton, and Harvard Medical School, and continues to teach classes annually in the psychology department at Boston College as well as co-teach an annual class on Child Maltreatment at William James College in The Center of Excellence for Children, Families and the Law. She is a frequent expert witness in the areas of child sexual abuse and trauma.